passive resister


passive resister 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. opposition to a government or to specific governmental laws by the use of noncooperation and other nonviolent methods, as economic boycotts and protest marches.

passive resister 近义词

passive resister

等同于 pacifist

更多passive resister例句

  1. The meme faced partial censorship when it first gained popularity around June, as authorities worried about the sentiment of passive resistance associated with it.
  2. Khin Sandar Nyunt, an ethnographer who has researched nonviolent protest in Myanmar, says the nation’s bloody past must be taken into account when evaluating the tactics of passive resistance.
  3. If we want to prevent others from your fate, we need to stop being so passive on these issues.
  4. But that makes the Ismael brothers no less proud of the resistance that they and other fellow fighters have put up.
  5. In the future, antibiotic resistance could have catastrophic consequences.
  6. There would, then, likely be significant police resistance to this measure.
  7. In a rather passive aggressive letter, the House Minority Leader wrote.
  8. There is cause for alarm when they bring one hundred and ten ships into these seas without any means of resistance on our part.
  9. A double detachment of soldiers was already there, with orders to support him in case of resistance.
  10. A mild degree means that the body is not reacting well, or else that the infection is too slight to call forth much resistance.
  11. Passive hyperemia occurs most commonly in diseases of the heart and liver and in pregnancy.
  12. This stubborn resistance lent all the more lustre to the piety of our benignant Rulers.